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You searched for: middle school

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A teacher's new students throw lots of paper airplanes because they're origami enthusiasts.
  • Cats do good work in school by ignoring the teacher.
  • Student wonders why we need to learn anything if we have smartphones.
  • Students who join "I hate teacher" Facebook page score lower.
  • Teacher is ebay addict and grades tests using ebay-like feedback.
  • Plain pizzas wonder what to buy for the pizza with everything.
  • A teacher tries to take the day off by displaying an image of herself at her desk on the smartboard.
  • Student's science fair project on gravity succeeds in defying physics at the school fair.
  • A kid fakes his report card and his dad said he got the same grades when he was a kid.
  • Students at school celebrating St. Patrick's Day with a pinch.
  • Dad spends every night with his daughter's babysitter, the TV.
  • A teacher breaks through the window to run away during a fire drill.

You searched for: middle school